OpenJade Development

OpenJade Releases

OpenJade releases are tagged jade_x_y or jade_x_y_z; for example OpenJade 1.2.1 is tagged jade_1_2_1.

Note that there is an exception for OpenJade 1.3.x. The branch is called RELEASE-1_3 and version 1.3.1 is RELEASE-1_3_1.

The Bleeding Edge

OpenJade development is proceeding on two parallel branches: the experimental branch, which will lead to OpenJade 1.4, and the stable branch, which will lead to 1.3.1. As can be expected, the stable branch contains mostly bugfixes and simple additions, while the experimental branch contains new, untested features.

Checking out OpenJade will give you the experimental branch. To get the stable branch checkout (or update to) RELEASE-1_3. For example,

svn co   # get current development
svn co jade-1_3 # switch to stable branch

Logs of development activity are kept in the ChangeLog and the NEWS files. The former is generated automatically from the cvs commit logs, while the latter is manually updated by the maintainers, and is more user-level.

Requirements for using Subversion

Since August 2007, OpenJade project work with Subversion SCM. CVS repository converted to SVN, so all history is here.

Note that since November 99, we have moved OpenSP to a separate repository. Thus to use the OpenJade out of SVN, you will have to check out, build and install OpenSP as well:

svn co

We have also converted the Unix build process to automake, thus you'll need the developer tools automake, autoconf and libtool to work from SVN. You can use the tool (currently found in the sp module, but it works as well for OpenJade) to automatically run the commands required to generate the configuration script etc.

After this, you can do the normal

make install

OpenJade Internals Documentation

Some documentation on OpenJade's internals has been written by Matthias Clasen, one of the OpenJade maintainers.

Mailing List

There is a mailing list for discussion about OpenJade development. You can subscribe to the list from the mailing lists page on the OpenJade SourceForge site. You may also wish to subscribe to the "checkins" list, which carries notifications of changes to the source within SVN.

Submitting Patches

If you are planning a big contribution, please discuss it with the developers on the mailing list first.

Preferrably, start with a clean OpenJade release and apply your changes to it. Then generate a patch with the command

svn diff > patch

Pack the patch using the tools appropriate for your platform (Zip for windows or tar -z for *ix) and send it to the development mailing list, with a note describing the patch and the base version. If it is a large patch, you'd better make it available on an FTP or WWW server and send a note with the address to the list.

OpenJade Maintainers

If you would like to join, send an e-mail to one of the maintainers.